Monday, April 23, 2012

Heed The Signs

Fall in place of Spring,
Spring in Winter's stead,
Seasons willy-nilly,
Farmers in the red.

Common knowledge moot,
Normalcy on hold,
It fascinates the young,
But perplexes the old.

Nature changing course,
Or simply adjusting,
Or merely mankind,
Still not listening.

God speaks to this world,
In many different ways,
He wants us to know,
We are in the last days.

Earthquakes and famine,
Pestilence and wars,
These are the beginning,
There will be much more.

Neighbor against neighbor,
Parent against child,
Relationships broken,
Society going wild.

When signs are on the road,
You read them, and obey,
God's signs are everywhere,
They're pointing to a day.

Reckoning and judgment,
Await the human race,
All that ever lived,
Will look on Jesus' face.

If He was your Savior,
You will live with Him,
If not, you face damnation,
The sentence for your sin.

No one knows the hour,
You cannot know the day,
It could be in the night,
When you are swept away.

Heed the signs given,
The day is almost gone,
Make your divine appointment,
Make Heaven your final home.

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