You've got to love fall weather in Indiana. It's cold, rainy, windy, and the leaves just seem to fall off the trees all at once. Maybe you're struggling to find something that you actually LOVE about it, but here's what I love. It makes me THINK. There's something about how the shadows hit everything at different angles, the overcast days, just the overall BLAHness of the season. I can't really explain it, but I just love it.
Today, I'm standing here at work, wondering about my purpose in life. Why am I here? Am I doing the right things? Am I making a difference? During the summer, when life is so busy, I don't really have time to think about things like that a lot. Now that the weather keeps me inside, without much to do, it forces me to stop and contemplate my existence. I don't like to stop, and I don't like to be forced to do anything, but I do like to think. It drives my wife crazy. I'm ALWAYS thinking up new ideas; most of which never see the light of day. Oh well.
Anyway, like I was saying. My purpose. Anybody that knows me well, knows that I enjoy taking pictures. Anywhere, anytime, of almost anything. But, is that my purpose, to be the best photographer around? I like to write, but is that my purpose? I also like to play guitar, sing, laugh, and make other people laugh, and lots of other things. But are any of these things the reason that I was put here? In this place? At this time? In this life? The answer, I think, is a big YES. Yes to all of them.
To make a long story short, I believe our purpose, is to use all that we are, wherever we have been placed, to help those that need help, and most of all, to bring glory to God, The One that gave us all that we have;
Including our purpose.
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